Fathom-Security provides support for multiple authentication realms and an authorization infrastructure.
The core authorization design of Apache Shiro was harvested & married to the core authentication design of Gitblit to form a similar but significantly lighterweight security infrastructure.
A complete authentication and authorization model will include declarations of:
- Realms
- Realms are sources of Accounts and potentially Roles and Permissions.
Realms are interrogated during the authentication process. - Accounts
- Accounts represent a username-password pair.
They may also include additional metadata such as display name, email addresses, Roles, and Permissions. - Roles
- Roles are a named grouping of specific Permissions.
- Permissions
- Permissions are allowed application actions.
Add the Fathom-Security artifact.
└── src
└── main
└── java
└── conf
└── realms.conf
Fathom-Security is configured by the HOCON resource config file conf/realms.conf
# Configured Realms.
# Realms will be tried in the order specified until an authentication is successful.
realms: []
# If you have multiple Realms and are creating aggregate Accounts you
# may cache the aggregate/assembled accounts in the SecurityManager.
# Configure the aggregated Account time-to-live (TTL) in minutes and the maximum
# number of aggregated accounts to keep cached.
# A TTL of 0 disables this cache.
cacheTtl: 0
cacheMax: 100
Specifying an Alternate Realms Config File¶
You may specify alternate realms config files in your conf/default.conf
resource config file.
security.configurationFile = "classpath:conf/realms.conf"
dev.security.configurationFile = "classpath:conf/realms-dev.conf"
test.security.configurationFile = "classpath:conf/realms-test.conf"
Fathom-Security provides a singleton instance of a SecurityManager service. This service contains all loaded Realms, Accounts, Roles, and Permissions.
SecurityManager securityManager;
public Account login(String username, String password) {
StandardCredentials credentials = new StandardCredentials(username, password);
Account account = securityManager.authenticate(credentials);
return account;
Account usernames are specified to be global across all realms. Fathom-Security will collect and merge account definitions across all defined realms to create an aggregate account. This is necessary because not all realms are able to provide full account metadata, roles, permissions, and tokens.
For example, the account named james
is assumed to represent the same person across all defined realms so that if james
authenticates against a PAM Realm, his account metadata, roles, and permissions can be collected from the james
account defined in a File Realm, JDBC Realm, etc.
Permissions are allowed application actions. Permissions can be specified as a simple action (e.g. view) or as a granular, colon-delimited action (e.g. employees:view:5). Granular permissions may be assigned with up to three components: domain:action:instance
# Permit viewing employees 5 and 10 employees:view:5,10 # Permit viewing all employees (these are equivalent) employees:view:* employees:view # Permit updating employees 5 and 10 employees:update:5,10 # Permit all actions on employee 5 employees:*:5 # Permit adding and deleting any employee (these are equivalent) employees:add,delete:* employees:add,delete # Permit all actions on all employees and contractors employees,contractors:*
Roles may be specified on an account. Roles may also be defined to have explicit permissions. The primary value of a role is that it allows you to forgo maintaining the same set of permissions on multiple accounts. Instead you can maintain a single set of permissions in the role definition and assign this role to multiple accounts.
In the example below, the admin
account has two assigned roles. The administrator
role is explicitly defined with the *
permission, while the tester
role has no definition and therefore has no explicit permissions. The frank
account has been assigned the normal
role and is only granted the secure:view
accounts: [
username: "admin"
roles: ["administrator", "tester"]
permissions: ["powers:speed,strength,agility"]
username: "frank"
roles: ["normal"]
username: "joe"
roles: ["normal"]
disabled: true
roles: {
administrator: ["*"]
normal: ["secure:view"]
Tokens may be specified on an account. Tokens are both powerful and dangerous because a token is an authentication alias for an Account. You might use a token in a request header of a RESTful API route.
Because a token is an alias for an Account, each token must be unique across all realms.
accounts: [
username: "frank"
roles: ["normal"]
tokens: ["cafebabe","deadbeef"]
Account instances have many methods to enforce authorization for a particular action.
public void update(Employee employee) {
Account account = getAccount();
if (account.hasRole("administrator") || account.isPermitted("employee:update")) {
You can also enforce authorization with methods that throw an AuthorizationException rather than returning a boolean status.
public void update(Employee employee) {
Account account = getAccount();
Disabling Accounts¶
In the above example the joe
account is disabled.
accounts: [
username: "joe"
disabled: true
In this case the SecurityManager will not allow the joe
account to authenticate.
There are many realm integrations available for Fathom.
Memory Realm¶
The Memory Realm defines Accounts & Roles within the conf/realms.conf
resource file.
Accounts and Roles are loaded only once on startup.
realms: [
# All Accounts and Roles are loaded from this definition and cached in a ConcurrentHashMap.
name: "Memory Realm"
type: "fathom.realm.MemoryRealm"
accounts: [
name: "Administrator"
username: "admin"
password: "admin"
emailAddresses: ["fathom@gitblit.com"]
roles: ["administrator"]
permissions: ["powers:speed,strength,agility"]
{name: "User", username: "user", password: "user", roles: ["normal"], disabled: true}
{name: "Guest", username: "guest", password: "guest"}
# assign metadata and a role to an htpasswd account
{name: "Luke Skywalker", username: "red5", roles: ["normal"]}
# assign a role to an ldap account
{username: "UserOne", roles: ["normal"]}
# Defined Roles are named and have an array of Permissions.
roles: {
administrator: ["*"]
normal: ["secure:view"]
File Realm¶
The File Realm defines Accounts & Roles in an external HOCON file.
This realm will hot-reload on modification to the HOCON file.
realms: [
# All Accounts and Roles are loaded from this definition and cached in a ConcurrentHashMap.
name: "File Realm"
type: "fathom.realm.FileRealm"
file: "classpath:conf/users.conf"
accounts: [
name: "Administrator"
username: "admin"
password: "admin"
emailAddresses: ["fathom@gitblit.com"]
roles: ["administrator"]
permissions: ["powers:speed,strength,agility"]
{name: "User", username: "user", password: "user", roles: ["normal"], disabled: true}
{name: "Guest", username: "guest", password: "guest"}
# assign metadata and a role to an htpasswd account
{name: "Luke Skywalker", username: "red5", roles: ["normal"]}
# assign a role to an ldap account
{username: "UserOne", roles: ["normal"]}
# Defined Roles are named and have an array of Permissions.
roles: {
administrator: ["*"]
normal: ["secure:view"]
Htpasswd Realm¶
The Htpasswd Realm defines partial Accounts (username & password) in an htpasswd file.
This realm will hot-reload on modification to the htpasswd file.
You may only authenticate against an Htpasswd Realm.
This realm does not support persistence of authorization data.
Add the Fathom-Security-Htpasswd artifact.
realms: [
name: "Htpasswd Realm"
type: "fathom.realm.htpasswd.HtpasswdRealm"
file: "classpath:conf/users.htpasswd"
allowClearPasswords: false
Keycloak Realm¶
The Keycloak Realm allows you to authenticate and, optionally, authorize requests using your Keycloak identity management server.
Add the Fathom-Security-Keycloak artifact.
There are two parts to configuring your Keycloak integration.
- You’ll need a
file which your Keycloak realm will provide to you via the admin ui. - You need to configure
to specify add thefathom.realm.keycloak.KeycloakRealm
realms: [
# Authenticates credentials from an Keycloak server.
name: "My Keycloak Realm"
type: "fathom.realm.keycloak.KeycloakRealm"
file: "classpath:conf/keycloak.json"
See Fathom-REST Security.
LDAP Realm¶
The LDAP Realm allows you to integrate authentication and authorization with your LDAP server.
You may authenticate and authorize using LDAP-sourced data but Role definitions are not currently supported by the LDAP Realm.
Add the Fathom-Security-LDAP artifact.
realms: [
# Authenticates credentials from an LDAP server.
# This is a CachingRealm which may optionally configure an expiring cache.
name: "UnboundID LDAP"
type: "fathom.realm.ldap.LdapRealm"
url: "ldap://localhost:1389"
username: "cn=Directory Manager"
password: "password"
# LDAP search syntax for looking up accounts.
accountBase: "OU=Users,OU=UserControl,OU=MyOrganization,DC=MyDomain"
accountPattern: "(&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=${username}))"
# LDAP search syntax for looking up groups.
# LDAP group names are mapped to Roles.
# Roles can be optionally mapped to permissions.
groupBase: "OU=Groups,OU=UserControl,OU=MyOrganization,DC=MyDomain"
groupMemberPattern: "(&(objectClass=group)(member=${dn}))"
# Members of these LDAP Groups are given "*" administrator permissions.
# Invidual accounts can be specified with the "@" prefix
adminGroups: ["@UserThree", "Git_Admins", "Git Admins"]
# Mapping controls for account name and email address extraction.
# These may be an attribute name or can be a complex expression.
nameMapping: "displayName"
emailMapping: "email"
# Configure the cached Account time-to-live (TTL) in minutes and the maximum
# number of accounts to keep cached.
# A TTL of 0 disables this cache.
cacheTtl: 0
cacheMax: 100
JDBC Realm¶
The JDBC Realm allows you to integrate authentication and authorization with an SQL database.
Add the Fathom-Security-JDBC artifact.
realms: [
# Authenticates credentials from an SQL datasource.
# This is a CachingRealm which may optionally configure an expiring cache.
name: "H2 Realm"
type: "fathom.realm.jdbc.JdbcRealm"
url: "jdbc:h2:mem:fathom"
username: ""
password: ""
# Specify a script to run on startup of the Realm.
# This script creates our tables and populates some data.
startScript: "classpath:conf/realm.sql"
# Specify an account query and column mappings to populate Account metadata.
# This optional mapping only works for the table (or view) referenced in the
# accountQuery.
accountQuery: "select * from accounts where username=?"
nameMapping: "name"
passwordMapping: "password"
# Email address column mapping if your addresses are in the same table as your accounts.
# This value may be delimited by a comma or semi-colon to support multiple addresses.
emailMapping: "email"
# A Role column mapping if your roles are in the same table as your accounts.
# This value may be delimited by a comma or semi-colon to support multiple roles.
roleMapping: ""
# A Permission column mapping if your permissions are in the same table as your accounts.
# This value may be delimited by a semi-colon to support multiple permissions.
permissionMapping: ""
# Specify an account roles query.
# This is useful if your roles are defined in a separate table from your accounts.
# The first column of the ResultSet must be a String role name.
# The String role name may be delimited by a comma or semi-colon to support multiple roles.
accountRolesQuery: "select role from account_roles where username=?"
# Specify an account permissions query.
# This is useful if your permissions are defined in a separate table from your accounts.
# The first column of the ResultSet must be a String permission value.
# The String permission value may be delimited by a semi-colon to support multiple permissions.
accountPermissionsQuery: "select permission from account_permissions where username=?"
# Specify a defined roles query.
# Defined roles specify permissions for a role name.
# The first column of the ResultSet must be a String role name.
# The second column of the ResultSet must be a String permission value.
# The String definition value may be delimited by a semi-colon to support multiple permissions.
definedRolesQuery: "select role, definition from defined_roles"
# Configure the cached Account time-to-live (TTL) in minutes and the maximum
# number of accounts to keep cached.
# A TTL of 0 disables this cache.
cacheTtl: 0
cacheMax: 100
# fathom-security-jdbc supports HikariCP
# see http://brettwooldridge.github.io/HikariCP/
hikariCP {
connectionTimeout: 5000
registerMbeans: true
Redis Realm¶
The Redis Realm allows you to integrate authentication and authorization with a Redis server.
You may authenticate and authorize using Redis-sourced data but Role definitions are not currently supported by the Redis Realm.
Add the Fathom-Security-Redis artifact.
realms: [
name: "Redis Realm"
type: "fathom.realm.redis.RedisRealm"
# Specify the url to the Redis database
url: "redis://localhost:6379/8"
# The password for the Redis server, if needed
password: ""
# Specify the key mappings for account and role lookups
passwordMapping: "fathom:${username}:password"
nameMapping: "fathom:${username}:name"
emailMapping: "fathom:${username}:email"
roleMapping: "fathom:${username}:roles"
permissionMapping: "fathom:${username}:permissions"
PAM Realm¶
The PAM Realm allows you to authenticate against the local accounts on a Linux/Unix/OSX machine.
You may only authenticate against a PAM Realm.
This realm does not support persistence of authorization data.
Add the Fathom-Security-PAM artifact.
realms: [
name: "PAM Realm"
type: "fathom.realm.pam.PamRealm"
serviceName: "system-auth"
Windows Realm¶
The Windows Realm allows you to authenticate against the local accounts on a Windows machine.
You may only authenticate against a Windows Realm.
This realm does not support persistence of authorization data.
Add the Fathom-Security-Windows artifact.
realms: [
name: "Windows Realm"
type: "fathom.realm.windows.WindowsRealm"
defaultDomain: ""
allowGuests: false
adminGroups: [ "BUILTIN\Administrators" ]