
The fastest way to get started building a microservice based on Fathom is to use a Maven archetype. An archetype is a project templating toolkit which is used to generate a new project based on a few input parameters.

You’ll need to install Maven for your operating system and have it available on your $PATH in order to use the following instructions. You may also create your microservice using the archetype from an IDE.

Creating Your Microservice with Maven & the Fathom Standard Archetype

To create your app copy & paste the following command to your console:

mvn -B archetype:generate \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=com.gitblit.fathom \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=fathom-archetype-standard \
  -DarchetypeVersion=0.8.0 \
  -DgroupId=com.mycompany \
  -DartifactId=myapp \
  -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT \
  -DpackageName=com.mycompany \
  -Dname="My App"

Make sure to substitute the groupId, artifactId, version, packageName, and name values with ones that make sense for your app.


After this command completes your new project will be available in the artifactId subdirectory of your current directory.


If you are creating your app with an IDE then you will have to configure your IDE compiler settings to use the -parameters compiler flag. See this page for more details.

About your Generated Microservice

The project you created from the Fathom Standard Archetype is not a barebones project. The archetype starts you off with with a completely functional microservice based on:

The Fathom Standard Archetype also sets up your application for optimal building with Maven and Java 8.


You will still have to configure your IDE to use the Java 8 -parameters compiler flag.

Using your Microservice

Your generated app is ready to perform.

Unit Tests

From your project directory…

mvn clean test

This will compile your application and run through the generated unit tests. Some basic unit tests are included in the Fathom Standard Archetype that confirm your RESTful routing is working and demonstrate how to run your Fathom application in TEST mode.


You may also want to run your application and browse it. Generally you would do this from your IDE by running the generated Launcher class in your specified application package. However there may be some value to compiling and running it from a console through Maven.

From your project directory…

mvn clean compile exec:java

… and then browse to http://localhost:8080.

Packaging your Microservice

Your application has been preconfigured to generate both a Stork .tar.gz distribution and Capsule thin-jar & fat-jar binaries.

From your project directory…

mvn clean package

… and then find the generated binaries in the target/ subdirectory.